Brandon's Bytes

x86-64 Assembly on Linux

25 Apr 2020


So it’s been a busy (and rough) semester effectively rebuilding and teaching EECS 201 at the University of Michigan. Grades have finally been posted, so I decided to treat myself to some good ol’ systems programming before getting back into the research grind. What better way to unwind than hardcore assembly programming?

I’m going to admit that I’m no expert at x86-64 programming, having only dabbled a bit in x86 when I was “auditing” good ol’ Gheith’s computer architecture and operating systems courses at UT. In addition my classes back then that did deal in some sort of assembly already had a toolchain and build system provided, so I never really got a hands-on feel for such low level building (I do have a more conceptual, academic understanding though).

I figured that I would kill two birds with one stone (no birds harmed) by writing a “Hello, world” program from scratch with no outside instruction besides the official documentation for the GNU utilities and Linux itself. A lot of times information gets elided for sake of time or brevity with details lost when being informed by others: I’ve learned a lot teaching EECS 201 just by referring to primary sources for all of the tools that I introduced to students.

What I knew

Being the architecture-systems software weirdo I am, I already had a fairly decent understanding of what would be involved: an assembly program assembled into an ELF object, which then has to be linked into an actual executable with a _start symbol as a default (but configurable) entry point.

For the program itself, just getting it to print “Hello, world!” simply involves:

This code would be in the .text section of a program, being constants and code. But, I wasn’t 100% sure on the details, so I decided to find what info I could in the documentation.

Documentation hunt

After a bit of stumbling around, I noticed in the manpage for as (the GNU Assembler) a reference to “Info” documents. Naturally, I ran $ man info which let me know of the existence of Info documents which let me look at the Texinfo-produced manuals for various utilities.

This was a huge step, so I immediately took to looking at that Info pages for as and ld (the GNU Linker). There I confirmed what program sections as supported out of the box with its directives along with the context of the sections: I would place my string constant in the .text. The part on sections also handily brought my attention to the .ascii directive for a (non-null terminated) string constant. In addition I learned a bit more on declaring symbols: a symbol starting with .L would indicate that a symbol is local on ELF systems.

I’m going to admit that not everything can be found through Linux documentation: I had to look up what sort of x86-64 calling convention is done on Linux systems, learning that it was the System V ABI, and found the x86-64 ISA documentation to keep on hand (AMD actually designed the 64-bit x86 ISA, hence you see references to AMD64. I found Intel’s manual on its “Intel 64”, but I prefer AMD’s since, besides AMD being the original designer, Intel’s manual also bundles in “IA-32” or the 32-bit x86).

That looks like it would be enough to get me started!

Hello, world!


.Lstring: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"


Well that’s a _start!

From here, I needed to figure out how to make a syscall. $ man 2 syscall would elucidate me here (as well as really point out to me how C-oriented the documentation is: it’s highly encouraged to go through the C wrappers for everything!): the manpage provided the info on x86-64 systems on how to make the syscall: pass the syscall number through rax and then the arguments through rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, and r9 (which is similar to the System V ABI function call), then execute the syscall instruction.

Cool, time to go look at the write system call! In our handy dandy manpage ($ man 2 write), we get all the arguments needed. But note what’s missing: the actual syscall number (and thus the above-assembly oriented nature of the documentation strikes again). If you look at the syscalls manpage, the Notes section mentions how you can find them in the /usr/include/asm/unistd.h under the __NR_xxx defines. After going through the goose chase of other header includes (this becomes a recurring theme), mine were finally found in /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h, and write is syscall #1.


.Lstring: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"

    # write(STDOUT_FILENO, .Lstring, 14)
    mov $1, %rax        # write is sycall 1
    mov $1, %rdi        # stdout is fd 1
    mov $.Lstring, %rsi # the string's buffer
    mov $14, %rdx       # how long the string is

(At this point I got excited and forgot to do exit).

I’m using AT&T syntax simply because this is a *nix system and the default for as. Being more familiar with ARM’s and other assembly languages, with the right-to-left flow feeling more natural for me (it resemblng assignments), and being annoyed at having to delimit every register with a %, I actually strongly prefer Intel syntax.

Time to assemble it! An as -o hello.o hello.s and an ld -o hello hello.o later and…

$ as -o hello.o hello.s
$ ld -o hello hello.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 000000000040100

Huh, it can’t find _start to set as the entry point? After perusing the as Info pages some more, I found out about the .global directive that makes symbols visible to the linker.



.Lstring: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"

.global _start
    # write(STDOUT_FILENO, .Lstring, 14)
    mov $1, %rax        # write is sycall 1
    mov $1, %rdi        # stdout is fd 1
    mov $.Lstring, %rsi # the string's buffer
    mov $14, %rdx       # how long the string is

After assembling and running it, I get the “Hello, world!”, but get a segfault. That’s when I realized that I forgot to exit:


.Lstring: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"

.global _start
    # write(STDOUT_FILENO, .Lstring, 14)
    mov $1, %rax        # write is sycall 1
    mov $1, %rdi        # stdout is fd 1
    mov $.Lstring, %rsi # the string's buffer
    mov $14, %rdx       # how long the string is

    # exit(0)
    mov $60, %rax       # exit is syscall 60
    mov $0, %rdi        # exit with a 0: success!

And now we have a clean, beautiful “Hello, world!” :)

$ ./hello
Hello, world!
$ echo $?


This was a really fun exercise: maybe I’m weird enjoying looking at manuals and other documentation and programming assembly. There’s a lot of little gotchas that get in the way, but they only let you learn more!


Entry point

I decided to also play around with ld in changing up what the entry point of the program was using the --entry option. Now I can enter at main instead of _start to prevent any C-induced confusion :)


objdump -d picks up on everything in the .text section as code: not surprising as, going by the ELF Info pages ($ info elf) the .text section is for read-only code. Looking through the Info pages some more, I saw the .rodata section that’s meant for read-only data.

Using the power of the .section directive:


.section .rodata
.Lstring: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"

.global _start
    # write(STDOUT_FILENO, .Lstring, 14)
    mov $1, %rax        # write is sycall 1
    mov $1, %rdi        # stdout is fd 1
    mov $.Lstring, %rsi # the string's buffer
    mov $14, %rdx       # how long the string is

    # exit(0)
    mov $60, %rax       # exit is syscall 60
    mov $0, %rdi        # exit with a 0: success!

Now objdump -d doesn’t print out the string :)